Friday, 14 March 2008

Encyclopedia Pictura

Bjork's not my favourite musician/artist but she does have a knack of getting the look of her videos, packaging etc spot on, so I was excited to see there's a new video on the way and even more excited to learn it's directed by the extraordinary Encyclopedia Pictura. Better still it's going to be in 3D, shot using a custom made stereoscopic camera. Not sure what MTV will make of it (does anyone even still watch MTV??) or how we'll be expected to watch it, but you have to admire the ambition. The video premiered at Deitch Projects Gallery, NY last night.

The poster reminds me of Where the Wild Things Are, which can't be bad:

And there are a few stills floating around the internet:

Another Encyclopedia Picture video, for Grizzly Bear:

And one for Seventeen Evergreen, presumably inspired by "Society":

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